Tuesday, August 11, 2009

In with the good, out with the bad

The title says it all. I'm bringing all this "good" in and the "bad" out. I'm so grateful with where I stand right now: job or no job, sales or no sales... I'm so blessed to be a mother of an adorable baby girl, have great friends, a wonderful supporting family, and just have an awesome life. I'm not as down as I would've expected after the final words with my ex-boyfriend. After two hours of talking and crying to my little sis, I felt so better. The next day, I was joyous and it seems like it didn't happen.

Now, back onto my shop (lol sorry about the personal life stuff). From now until about May, I'll be use DD as a "test run" for a HUGE anime convention in Dallas: A-kon. I love A-kon. So great and so much fun! I'm quite anxious for it... So if there are repeats on items, there's a good reason on why. If more people keep buying that one item, it must be a good selling item.

Also, it seems like the goal for shop hearts is met!! Yaaaay! I'm glad people enjoy my shop. :) Keep it up.. close to 500!!

Sales are slow, but I'm not bothered by it. I think I need another 6 sales to meet my August goal.. What will be great is that it goes OVER 15 sales. :D We shall see!!

As I think about it... I'll be doing my next giveaway with 100 sales. :D Dunno of what yet... but I'll think about it as it comes..

Thanks to those who support DD!

Coming soon in future posts: New shop in details, BUSINESS CARDS.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Steppie's Giveaway Contest!

One of the successful shops on Etsy (IMO) has to do with my little sister's favorite animals: pandas. Who doesn't love pandas? They are cute, cuddly, AND they are raccoon cats (yes they are. Look it up). Who is this? Steppie.

Now, the name alone is cute. If you aren't familiar with her, you should be. She makes wonderful T-shirts, prints, rings, etc. I, on the other hand, have not experience any of her wonderful items yet, but I wish to be. And so, she is holding this free giveaway! I'm hoping to win just so I can get a free item. If not, I guess I'll do a bit of splurging ;)

Click on the link below and enter!! It's so great and awesome! Also, the video itself is adorable, I laughed at the first thirty seconds.

Facebook video
