Saturday, July 11, 2009

Busy Bee

Just a busy bee this week!! Ever since the opening of Destination Design, I've been editing pictures, making more items, and just working my butt off. Of course, I leave more time for my daughter (although she plays by herself now.. doesn't want mommy anymore! T~T). Just keep an eye out at my shop: new items will be added everyday! The possibilities are endless!

Now for a little rant: I went to check the mail today, to see that my packages that I want to ship out yesterday is still in there! Grrr! And around that time, the post office is closed. Makes me so angry! I keep wondering why they don't take it... Do they think it's for me? The address label on it clearly states another address in another state. :( So I'm sorry if the packages aren't shipped... If they don't take it on Monday, I'm driving down there myself and complain the whole way lol.

Alright, more items to be listed today!! Necklaces, earrings, detash items... Off we go!


  1. Thanks Ann! It's great getting to know you too and seeing what you are working on is exciting! I also wanted to give you a heads up that my etsy shop is open! Yay! I'm still working on getting more item up but it's a start at least! hehe ttyl

  2. Say, how did you get your Etsy shop set up on the side of your blog like that? I've been trying to figure that out for days!! lol
