Tuesday, December 8, 2009

DD's First Craft Show!

Hey everyone! If I haven't talked my ear off about this, you are missing out! December 5th was my first ever craft show! It was held at the Spanish Schoolhouse, something like a daycare place where they teach kids from ages 2-5 Spanish. From looking at the place, it is fairly new and they are trying to get their name out there. In turn, they wanted to hold a Holiday Extravaganza, filled with food, family fun, kids shows, and tables for us artists. There were even some other Etsians that I had the pleasure of meeting! :)

So the morning of the show started a bit crappy, because I reserved a table yet they couldn't give me one. And so, I finally spoke to someone who understand
s more English and she gave me a kids table. At first, I was a bit iffy, but after a while, I grasp the concept of it. I mean, I sell "Japanese" trend things, and it's low where p
eople have to kneel... so hey, it's Japanese-y right? Haha. Sorry, my mind is a bit weird.

Anywho. That's the pic of what my table looks like! Does it look overwhelming? Everyone says it gives them more options and more things to look for! But I felt it's a bit overwhelming... But I guess I can learn when I do more shows whenever I can :)
Also, that's one of my best friend that's covering her face. She definitely doesn't like her picture taken, even if the attention is not to her, HAHA!

The following are the pictures of what I sold at the show. I had to cut down to put in the items I haven't even listed on Etsy yet! So the buyers who got the smores necklaces and the beautiful crystal flower rings are the first to get it! Lucky them.

And these are my little helpers! The one on the left is my little sister, and the one on the right is her best friend. And of course, I made my sis wear a UT Santa hat. Go Longhorns!

Beautiful sign that my sister worked on! Thanks so much <3

And finally, the boxes from behind the table.

All in all, I did pretty well for my first show :) I sold more than I expected, but what's important is getting the shop's name out there! The business cards went out like crazy! I'm glad to hear people are saying what they like and asking questions on the meaning of kawaii. And they seem so into the Japanese culture that I set out! I hope some of the people I met will truly buy online :) Because seriously, they are the best! Especially the little girls! They constantly come over and just gush over the miniatures. The boys will come over and ask if their moms or their girlfriends would like it, hahah. Sooooo cute. Well, I hope to hear from them.

So that's my day! This definitely just makes me want to attend more craft fairs and shows! And I definitely got a feel of it, and know what to do, and NOT to do.

1 comment:

  1. is it too personal to ask how much stuff you sold? im doing my first craft show this coming sunday and i wanna get a feel for how much stuff i should actually bring!

    p.s. you set it all up so cutely!! i also see my wardrobe in there!! yayyy
